How does the Earth move?
How long does a revolution take? How long does a rotation take?
What patterns can be observed hourly? What patterns can be observed daily? What patterns can be observed yearly?
What patterns can be observed with shadows? What patterns can be observed with constellations?
How does the Earth move?
How long does a revolution take? How long does a rotation take? How do Earth's movements allow us to MEASURE TIME?
1. Prepare Envelope & Questions (copy question from a friend)
2. Watch Videos 1,2,3 & Use your Earth/Moon/Sun Model from yesterday to model & explain each movement you observe
3. Set up T-Chart for NOtes
Titles: How Earth Rotates / How Earth Revolves
4. READ textbook: pg.284-287 & use your text to take notes on your T-chart
5. Students Research Time (see Google Classroom for web links) & continue to take Notes/collect evidence on T-Chart
1. Touch Base & continue Research & taking Notes - 10 more minutes to "research"
Collect MORE VIDEO-based evidence:
2. Crash Course Video: Earth's Rotation & Revolution AND Seasons & the Sun
3. Generation Genius Video & WKST: Earth's Orbit & Rotation
4. EXIT SLIP Writing... Fact Based Argument... Answer the questions:
How does the Earth rotate & revolve? How do Earth's movements allow\/help us to MEASURE TIME?
Assignment: Finish Fact Based Argument on yellow slip...
1. Go over Generation Genius Video WKST: Earth's Orbit & Rotation & Turn it in
2. Share "How does Earth..." Paragraphs & Peer Critique
How do shadows change throughout the day?
3. SHADOW Investigation: Model The Sun Rising & Setting with a flashlight and observe shadow changes
4. Silently / Independently Read Text pg. 296
Read Text pg. 296 2-3 times and WRITE down 3 facts you learn about shadow PATTERNS
How do shadows change throughout the day?
1. Shared 3 notes from "Shadow" reading in text
2. INVESTIGATION: Video: Shadow Time Lapses 1 2 and 3 & Diagram, Discuss & Record Patterns Observed on half sheet & glue into Journal (update Table of Contents)
3. Discuss...
4. Video: Crash Course & record 3 more shadow patterns that are discussed
Planning Ahead:
Several writing assignments in the coming weeks.
No major tests/projects this week
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