Thursday, May 27, 2021

Science Wednesday-Thursday, May 26-27, 2021


Wednesday-Thursday, May 26-27, 2021


QUESTION: What makes up Earth's ATRMOSPHERE?  
1. Deep Dive into.... Atmosphere - Journal Notes - Layers & their "job"
2. Begin Deep Dive into the Hydrosphere - Journal Notes on the Water Cycle & Set up Tomorrow's Page
3. Exit Slip: KWL - Know, Wonder about Earth's water?

What makes up Earth's HYDROSPHERE?  How is water distributed on Earth?
1. Discuss Earth's Water... answer some questions
2. Read about Earth's Water
3. Begin MODEL: Earth's Water Distribution
4. Graph Water Distribution 


WED - No Assignment

THURSDAY - WKST on Sphere Interactions

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Science Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Tuesday, May 25, 2021


What are some ways Earth's spheres (or systems) interact with one another?

1. Finish Generation Genius VIDEO & WKST
2. Videos & Notes WKST.... How do the spheres interact?  Give specific examples & put into your Journal
3. Prepare for tomorrow's Deep Dive into.... Hydrosphere - Journal Notes on the Water Cycle
4. Begin MODEL: Earth's Water Distribution


No Assignment

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Monday, May 24, 2021

Science Monday, May 24, 2021


Monday, May 24, 2021


What are Earth's Systems/Spheres?  What are some ways they interact with one another?

1. Video & Notes...
2. 2 Journal Pages... 
3. Generation Genius VIDEO & WKST


No Assignment

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Friday, May 21, 2021

Science Thursday-Friday, May 20-21 2021


Thursday-Friday, May 20-21 2021


How do shadows change throughout the day?

1. Finish yesterday's lesson: Constellations Writing Assignment - Write, Share/Read Aloud & Turn In
    Answer the Lesson Question... How do constellations "move" in the sky?
2  Intro Next Lesson: Earth's Patterns: Shadows... Envelope Setup, Define 3 Vocab Words

3. Review Lesson Question...
4. Earth's Patterns: Shadows...
5. Investigation: SHADOWS
6. Video: Time Lapse
7. Discuss...
8. Video: Crash Course 
9. Use sun/earth model to show angle of suns rays and how it creates longer shadows that point East, North & West
10. Investigation / Making a Model of a Sundial (if time & weather permits)


Thursday:No Assignment

Friday:No Assignment

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Science Monday-Thursday, May 17-20, 2021


Monday-Thursday, May 17-20 2021


How do constellations "move" in the sky?

1. Video of Constellations moving in the sky
2. Make a planisphere

3.  Generation Genius Video & WKST

3. Using our planisphere: Tracking Constellations Hourly, Daily, Yearly 
4. Crash Course Video

6. Writing Assignment - Write, Share & Turn In
Answer the Lesson Question... How do constellations "move" in the sky?

7.  Intro Next Lesson: Earth's Patterns: Shadows...
8. Investigation / Making a Model of a Sundial (if weather permits)


Monday - Wednesday: None

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Monday, May 10, 2021

Science Monday-Friday, May 10-14, 2021


Monday-Friday, May 10-14, 2021


What effect does the distance from Earth have on the appeared brightness of stars? 
1. Turn in yellow slip: paragraph about similarities and differences in stars
3. STARS sample... collect star brightness data from a representative sample & create and analyze a data display (bar graph)

What affects the actual brightness of stars? What affects the appeared brightness of stars (other than distance) 
4. Design & do an investigation to MODEL stars and measure apparent magnitude based on distance
5. Written response to question
6. Video
 Work time for paragraph about similarities and differences in stars
7. NEW Vocab for next lesson & set up 4th lesson envelope

What affects the actual brightness of stars? What affects the appeared brightness of stars (other than distance) 
8. Introduce H-R Diagram - color & take notes
9. Connect previous knowledge - campfire to the color of stars
10. Learn how to read & use H-R diagram

What affects the actual brightness of stars? What affects the appeared brightness of stars (other than distance) 
11.  Model / Investigation #2
12. Recap Video - Crash Course

GOAL: to Apply & Synthesize our learning!
Why do some stars (like our sun) appear brighter than other stars?
14. Video & WKST - Generation Genius
13. CER: Written Argumentative Response - Mini Unit Assessment






Textbook pg. 568 all (skim pages 562-565 for help if you need it) 

AND pg. 560 #4-5 ONLY (use your H-R diagram notes to help!)

Friday: CER writing assignment - due Monday

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Friday, May 7, 2021

Science Friday, May 7, 2021


Friday, May 7, 2021


How are stars similar and how are stars different?
What effect does the distance form Earth have on the appeared brightness of stars? 

1. Evaluate the strength of the evidence you collected in your STAR RESEARCH yesterday?
    How well does it help you show the similarities that stars have in common?
    How well does it help you prove stars are different from one another?
    5 star rating system....

2. Work time for paragraph about similarities and differences in stars
3. NEW Vocab for next lesson & set up 3rd lesson envelope


Finish writing your argumentative paragraph answering the question....

How are stars similar and how are stars different?

on your yellow sheet (use the back if you need more room!)

About 5-65 sentences should be good 

     (intro sentence, 2 or more similarities, 2 or more differences, conclusion)

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Science Thursday, May 6, 2021


Thursday, May 6, 2021


QUESTION:  How are stars similar and how are stars different?

Turn in paragraph about earth's location
1. Video
2. Research & Notes - use website I emailed to you AND textbook pg. 562-563
       (virtual kids - use online textbook in ThinkCentral)
3. Writing Assignment... Fact Based Argument answering our driving question of the day (above)


Finish taking notes... write down ONE SIMLIARITY or ONE DIFFERENCE in each box on the handout... you should have NINE pieces of evidence that help you answer the question....

How are stars similar and how are stars different?

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Science Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Wednesday, May 5, 2021


QUESTION:  Where is Earth located in relation to the sun, solar system, galaxy, and universe?

2. Research & Notes
3. Writing Assignment... Fact Based Argument answering our driving question of the day (above)


Finish writing assignment

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Science Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Tuesday, May 4, 2021


QUESTION:  Where is Earth located in relation to the sun, solar system, galaxy, and universe?

1. Intro New Unit...
2. Vocab Cards - 3 of them in an envelope (a friend helped prepare this for you)
3. Driving Questions... discussion
4. Video
5. Research & Notes
6. Writing... Fact Based Argument... 


No Assignment

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Monday, May 3, 2021

Science Monday, May 3, 2021


Monday, May 3, 2021


1. Turned in Ecosystems Final Project... Set up our MUSEUM in the Family Life Center
2. Reflection of our learning from this project
3. We learned about careers in "biomimicry".  Watched this video... (scroll down and find the TED talk)  


No assignment, but bring your science books to class tomorrow as we begin a new unit! :)

Planning Ahead:

Nothing Yet

Science May 16-20, 2022

  Science May 16-20, 2022 WEEKLY EXPLORATIONS... Deep Dive into Biosphere...  QUESTIONS:  What is an Ecosystem? How do Ecosystems fit into ...