Monday, March 28, 2022

Science March 28-April 1, 2022


March 28-April 1, 2022



How does gravity affect matter on Earth? Do all objects fall at the same rate? Does the mass/weight of matter affect gravity?

How can we slow the pull of gravity?

How does a parachute system function? How can I design & construct a parachute to meet our success criteria?



How does gravity affect matter on Earth? Do all objects fall at the same rate? Does the mass/weight of matter affect gravity?

1. Recap of FRIDAY’S Investigation

3. Videos x 2:   Video Recap  &     Video of Falling Objects (No Air)

4. Anchor Chart / Journal Pages (copy from a friend, glue into Journal & update Table of Contents)

4. Crash Course Video REVIEW
Assignment: None Today



How does gravity affect matter on Earth? Do all objects fall at the same rate? Does the mass/weight of matter affect gravity?

How does a parachute system function?

1. Checkpoint on  Gravity (make this up when you return)

2.  Assign CER: Gravity (due Friday)

3. Copy Parachute Journal Page (no handout) from a friend

4. We launched ouro next Engineering Task: Parachutes

5. We Started our Research - See anchor chart about the Parachute System in our classroom - this project will continue the next 3 or 4 days…

Assignment:  CER: Gravity (due Friday)



How does a parachute system function? How can I design & construct a parachute to meet our success criteria?

Engineering Task: Parachutes - this project will continue throughout the week

1. Define the Problem - as a class & write in journal

2. Research - Read " Playing with Parachutes" article & take notes in journal

3. Brainstorm - make a PLAN - draw & label a design idea to share with your engineering team

Assignment:  CER: Gravity (due Friday)



How does a parachute system function? How can I design & construct a parachute to meet our success criteria?

1.Engineering Task: Parachutes - this project will continue throughout the week

1. Let's finish & share our PLANS! Majority Rules - work toward GROUP consensus and select a design or a HYBRID of multiple designs...

2. Video... testing prototypes & perseverance

3. Time to BUILD & TEST!!!

Assignment:  CER: Gravity (due Friday)



How does a parachute system function? How can I design & construct a parachute to meet our success criteria?

What are failure points? How can we redesign our parachute to eliminate failure points and/or improve our design?

Engineering Task: Parachutes - this project will continue throughout the week

1. Work . Time to BUILD & TEST & Redesign/Improve & DOCUMENT FAILURE POINTS & IMPROVEMENTS in Google Doc

2. Show off parachute design & Present using "Failure Points & Solutions" Doc to Classmates...

Planning Ahead:

No major tests/projects this week

Monday, March 14, 2022

Science Mar 14-18, 2022


Mar 14-18, 2022



How does gravity affect matter on Earth the same? Do all objects fall at the same rate? Does the shape of matter affect gravity? Does the mass/weight of matter affect gravity?



No Class - Pi Day

Assignment: None Today



What is gravity?  How does gravity affect matter on Earth? Does location affect gravity?  

1. Glue Shadows Sheet into Journal & Update Table of Contents 2. What is Gravity: Launch Unit & fill out the Know & Want to Learn part of the KWL Sheet... 3. Lesson about Gravity & Create Anchor Chart in your science journal (copy from a friend) 4. Read Text Pg. 280 & add to Create Anchor Chart

Assignment: Read Text  (pg. 278-282 but skip pg. 279) and on your KWL Form, record AT LEAST 3 (or more!) facts you learn about Gravity from reading your textbook (Do NOT stop reading once you have 3 facts, be sure to read to the end)



How does gravity affect matter on Earth? Do all objects fall at the same rate?

Does the shape of matter affect gravity? Does the mass/weight of matter affect gravity?

1. What is Gravity?: We shared our  KWL Sheet "What I Learned"...

2. Videos: Crash Course: Gravity

3. Google Classroom Group Task: Plan a Complete Investigation using the Scientific Process.... and then DO the investigation!

Finish this Task in Study Hall if you didn't finish in class.... be ready to share your conclusions tomorrow.



How does gravity affect matter on Earth? Do all objects fall at the same rate?

Does the shape of matter affect gravity? Does the mass/weight of matter affect gravity?

1. Share Conclusions from yesterday's simple experiment.... 

             BIG IDEA: procedure needs to be SUPER SPECIFIC!

2. Discuss: Fair Tests - what does this mean?  Take Notes!

3. Begin steps 1-3 of our next INVESTIGATION! (Handout)

    For step 2 research, watch this video about Galileo's experiment performed around the year 1590

We will DO the remaining steps of the investigation tomorrow in class!




How does gravity affect matter on Earth the same? Do all objects fall at the same rate? Does the shape of matter affect gravity? Does the mass/weight of matter affect gravity? 1. Make 4 predictions 2. Today's Investigation: Teacher's Instruction & Demonstration 3. Complete steps 4-7 of 2nd GRAVITY INVESTIGATION! 4. Group Share: Share your lab group's Results 5. Discuss the predictions we made at the start of class...

Watched this video to help us with our conclusions

Planning Ahead:

No major tests/projects this week

Monday, March 7, 2022

Science Mar 7-11, 2022


Mar 7-11, 2022



How does the Earth move?

How long does a revolution take? How long does a rotation take?  

What patterns can be observed hourly?  What patterns can be observed daily?  What patterns can be observed yearly?

What patterns can be observed with shadows?  What patterns can be observed with constellations?




WHAT is on the move?  
Intro CER Assignment for This Week... Now, Let's collect EVIDENCE for our CER!
1. Color, Cut & Create Model (emailed instructions, supplies should be in your envelope)
2. Define 2 Vocab Words - Rotate & Revolve
3. Prepare Envelope  (see a friend's setup, we gathered your supplies already)
Assignment: None Today



How does the Earth move?

How long does a revolution take? How long does a rotation take?  How do Earth's movements allow us to MEASURE TIME?

1. Prepare Envelope & Questions (copy question from a friend)

2. Watch Videos 1,2,3 & Use your Earth/Moon/Sun Model from yesterday to model & explain each movement you observe

3. Set up T-Chart for NOtes

Titles: How Earth Rotates / How Earth Revolves

4. READ textbook: pg.284-287 & use your text to take notes on your T-chart

5. Students Research Time (see Google Classroom for web links) & continue to take Notes/collect evidence on T-Chart

Assignment:  None


1. Touch Base & continue Research & taking Notes - 10 more minutes to "research"

Collect MORE VIDEO-based evidence: 

2. Crash Course Video: Earth's  Rotation & Revolution   AND   Seasons & the Sun

3. Generation Genius Video & WKST: Earth's Orbit & Rotation

4. EXIT SLIP Writing... Fact Based Argument... Answer the questions: 

     How does the Earth  rotate & revolve? How do Earth's movements allow\/help us to MEASURE TIME?

Assignment: Finish Fact Based Argument on yellow slip...


1. Go over Generation Genius Video WKST: Earth's Orbit & Rotation & Turn it in

2. Share "How does Earth..."  Paragraphs & Peer Critique


How do shadows change throughout the day?

3. SHADOW Investigation: Model The Sun Rising & Setting with a flashlight and observe shadow changes

4. Silently / Independently Read Text pg. 296


Read Text pg. 296 2-3 times and WRITE down 3 facts you learn about shadow PATTERNS



How do shadows change throughout the day?

1. Shared 3 notes from "Shadow" reading in text

2. INVESTIGATION: Video: Shadow Time Lapses 1  2  and 3   & Diagram, Discuss & Record Patterns Observed on half sheet & glue into Journal (update Table of Contents)

3.  Discuss... 

4. Video: Crash Course  & record 3 more shadow patterns that are discussed



Planning Ahead:

Several writing assignments in the coming weeks.

No major tests/projects this week

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Science Feb 28- Mar 4, 2022


Feb 28- Mar 4, 2022



What are some factors that make some stars brighter than others?

What are some factors that make some stars appear brighter than others?

What are some characteristics of our sun? How does our sun compare to other stars?

Discuss: Why is it important to study the sun?

How does our sun's absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude compare to that of other stars?




What is the SUN? What are the SUN'S characteristics?  How does the SUN compare to other stars? 
Intro CER Assignment for This Week... Now, Let's collect EVIDENCE for our CER!
1. What do you KNOW about the sun? WKST- Take NOTES now & throughout class today...
2.  Sun: From Earth & Close Up: Compare & Contrast
3. READ & complete work in our textbook: pg. Pg. 236-239 and do page 243
4. SUN: Read Article & do WKST on the back side - ***** make notations (underline and list question #) within the article of where you get your answers to the questions on the back side.
Assignment: Finish Sun Article & WKST on the back side (#1-9)



What is the SUN? What are the SUN'S characteristics?  How does the SUN compare to other stars? 
1. Glue envelopes in Journal & update Table of Contents!
2. Go Over Sun Article & WKST Answers
3. Identify the SUN again on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 
4. Generation Genius Video & WKST: The Sun & Other Stars
5. Give the "End of Lesson" CER Writing Assignment.... the "lesson" purpose is to collect EVIDENCE for the CER that we can use to support our answer to the lesson's driving question.  This evidence will come from articles, websites, our textbook, videos, and our two flashlight investigations. Students will type their paragraph into Google Classroom for grading.
Finish writing your rough draft paragraph you wrote for today about why the sun APPEARS BRIGHTER than all other stars.... (back side of Evidence WKST)  Use your SENTENCE STARTERS in the back of your science journal to HELP you!



How does our sun's absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude compare to that of other stars?
1. CER Work Time... self evaluation, peer review & time to type.

Finish typing your FINAL draft paragraph IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM about why the sun APPEARS BRIGHTER than all other stars.... 



How does the Earth move?  What is the different between a revolution and a rotation?



Planning Ahead:

Several writing assignments in the coming weeks.

No major tests/projects this week

Science May 16-20, 2022

  Science May 16-20, 2022 WEEKLY EXPLORATIONS... Deep Dive into Biosphere...  QUESTIONS:  What is an Ecosystem? How do Ecosystems fit into ...