Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Science May 16-20, 2022


May 16-20, 2022


Deep Dive into Biosphere... 


What is an Ecosystem? How do Ecosystems fit into the bigger picture? How are living things CLASSIFIED (grouped)?


no class - map testing



What is an Ecosystem? How do Ecosystems fit into the bigger picture?  

1. Lesson Check - check for completion... pg. 366

2. Read & Discuss "Biome" article... how is a "biome" different from an ecosystem?

3. Match definitions ACTIVITY,

Assignment: None



How do Ecosystems fit into the bigger picture? How are living things CLASSIFIED (grouped)?

1. ORDER vocab terms from smallest unit to largest unit

2. Group Task: Draw a Picture that Shows how the terms relate to one another

3. How living things are classified...Video & WKST

Assignment:Finish levels picture (if not finished in class)


QUESTION: How and Why are Living Things Grouped?

1. How living things are classified...Video & WKST

2. Turn in Pictures from yesterday

3. Lesson... Classification System & Vocabulary - 2 Journal pages (handouts)

No Assignment


QUESTION: How and Why are Living Things Grouped?

1. Finish Journal Page - Levels of Classification

2. Read text Pg. 370-371 

3. Take Notes-  - 2 Journal pages (NO handout, copy from a friend)

No Assignment

Planning Ahead:

No major tests/projects this week

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Science May 9-13, 2022


May 9-13, 2022



What does it mean to be "Living"? What are the 7 characteristics of all living things? How can we sort matter as Biotic or Abiotic? What is an Ecosystem?



How is Earth's Water Distributed?   

1.  Peer Correct Short Checkpoint / Quiz  & went over student ?'s


3. Assignment: Find 3 pieces of evidence from text, articles, videos and/or investigations that TELL the story of Earth's water supply/Earth's distribution of water (include the parts and how much of each part)

Assignment: Water CER - pre-write worksheet due on Thursday (show in class). Typed CER due next Monday.



What does it mean to be "Living"?

Deep Dive into Biosphere: 

1. Opener - brainstorm living things & non-living things

2. Intro to Plaid Pete & his "science assignment" about living & non-living things

3. Group Task: Observe common traits of living things.

Assignment:Water CER - pre-write worksheet due on Thursday (show in class). Typed CER due next Monday.



What does it mean to be "Living"? What are the 7 characteristics of all living things? How can we sort matter as Biotic or Abiotic?

Deep Dive into Biosphere: 

1. Group Task Wrap Up: List the 7 common traits of living things in your Journal

2. Vocab Lesson: Biotic & Abiotic

3. Lesson: Sorting as Biotic vs. Abiotic: trickly situations...


Water CER - pre-write worksheet due on Thursday (show in class). Typed CER due next Monday.



What does it mean to be "Living"? What are the 7 characteristics of all living things? How can we sort matter as Biotic or Abiotic?

Deep Dive into Biosphere: 

1. Turn & Talk: 7 Characteristics of All Living Things

2. Video: Tricky Matter to sort as biotic/abiotic

3. Levels of Classification & Vocabulary NOTES


Finish WKST if you didn't finish in class

Water CER - pre-write worksheet due on Thursday (show in class). Typed CER due next Monday.



What is an Ecosystem?

Deep Dive into Biosphere:

1. Read text 360-366

2. Define ECOSYSTEMS...

3. Do lesson check on pg. 366

Assignment:Do lesson check on pg. 366 

Water CER - pre-write worksheet due on Thursday (show in class). Typed CER due Monday.

Planning Ahead:

No major tests/projects this week

Monday, May 2, 2022

Science May 2-6, 2022


May 2-6, 2022



How is Earth's water distributed? How does the HYDROSPHERE interact with Earth's other spheres?



Why is Earth "blue"? How much water is on Earth?

How does the Hydrosphere work? How is Earth's Water Distributed?   

1. Share Water Cycle Paragraphs - 2 or 3 students

2. Video: Water Cycle / Review Law of Conservation of Matter

3. Why is Earth BLUE - class discussion

4. Amount of Water on Earth - class discussion

Deep Dive into Hydrosphere: 

        Topic Launch: Focus Video: Earth's Water

        What does water "Distribution" mean?

        Make a Prediction... how much of Earth's water is Salt water? fresh water?

        Make a Prediction... how much of Earth's fresh water is frozen? underground? available. surface water?

        Class Investigation: Let's VISUALIZE!  Modeling Earth's Water Supply

No Assignment



How is Earth's Water Distributed? How can I make a graph to show how Earth's water is distributed?

Deep Dive into Hydrosphere: 

1. Communicating Results - making a graph of Earth's Water supply

2. Assignment: WKST Thinking About the Lab... 

3. Close Reading Activity & WKST

Assignment: NONE



How is Earth's Water Distributed? How can I make a graph to show how Earth's water is distributed?

Deep Dive into Hydrosphere: 

1.Go Over Assignment: WKST Thinking About the Lab... 

3. Close Reading Activity & WKST: Jigsaw Reading - become an expert in your field

Assignment   none



How does the Hydrosphere work? How is Earth's Water Distributed?   

1. "Expert" Share - Finish Close Reading Activity 

2. WKST - thinking about the Reading & go over

3. Group Task: Earth's Water: T/F TASK CARDS

Assignment:  Ground Water WKST

Friday - 

How is Earth's Water Distributed?   

Deep Dive into Earth's Hydrosphere: 1. Go Over & turn in Ground Water WKST 2. Generation Genius VIDEO & WKST - turn in 3. Go Over Earth's Water: T/F TASK CARDS 4. Short Checkpoint / Quiz 

Assignment: NO ASSIGNMENT 

NEXT WEEK: Assignment   SUMMARY (CER) Paragraph about how Earth's Water is Distributed - due WEDNESDAY to Google Classroom

WKST - thinking about water on Earth 

Planning Ahead:

No major tests/projects this week

Science May 16-20, 2022

  Science May 16-20, 2022 WEEKLY EXPLORATIONS... Deep Dive into Biosphere...  QUESTIONS:  What is an Ecosystem? How do Ecosystems fit into ...